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Flower Combos That Will Make Your Garden Look Amazing

Flower Combos That Will Make Your Garden Look Amazing

There's nothing quite like the sight of a beautiful flower garden. The vibrant colors, the sweet fragrances, and the delicate petals can all be incredibly pleasing to the eye and the nose. But if you want your garden to look truly amazing, you need to put some thought into the flower combinations you choose.

The right flower combos can create a stunning visual effect, and they can also help to attract pollinators and other beneficial insects to your garden. In this blog post, we'll share some of our favorite flower combos that will make your garden look amazing.

1. Roses and Blue Perennial Salvia

Roses and blue perennial salvia are a classic combination that is always stunning. The deep reds, pinks, and yellows of the roses are perfectly complemented by the bright blues of the salvia. These two flowers also have different textures, which adds to the visual interest. The roses' smooth petals contrast nicely with the salvia's feathery foliage.

2. Veronica and Coneflower

Veronica and coneflower are another great flower combo that is perfect for adding color and interest to your garden. The delicate blue flowers of the veronica are a perfect match for the bright orange or yellow blooms of the coneflower. These two flowers also have different heights, which helps to create a layered effect. The veronica will spill over the edges of your garden bed, while the coneflower will stand tall in the center.

3. Petunias and Geraniums

Petunias and geraniums are two of the most popular annuals, and for good reason. They're both easy to grow and care for, and they come in a wide variety of colors. When paired together, petunias and geraniums can create a stunning display of color. The bright colors of the petunias will contrast nicely with the softer hues of the geraniums.

4. Yellow Gazania, Dahlberg Daisy's, and White Sweet Alyssum

Yellow gazania, dahlia daisy's, and white sweet alyssum are a cheerful and colorful combination that is perfect for adding a pop of sunshine to your garden. The bright yellow flowers of the gazania will brighten up any space, while the dahlia daisy's add a touch of romance. The white sweet alyssum will provide a delicate contrast to the other two flowers.

5. Build A Layered Garden

One of the best ways to create a stunning flower garden is to build a layered garden. This means planting flowers of different heights together. This will create a more visually interesting garden, and it will also help to attract pollinators.

When building a layered garden, it's important to consider the height of the flowers. Tall flowers should be planted in the back of the garden, while shorter flowers should be planted in the front. You can also add some groundcover plants to fill in the spaces between the taller flowers.

6. Early Bloom: Primrose, Foxgloves, Calluna, Crocus, and Cotoneaster

If you want your garden to look amazing all year round, you need to plant some early bloomers. These are flowers that will start to bloom in the spring, even before the weather has warmed up. Some of the best early bloomers include primroses, foxgloves, calluna, crocus, and cotoneaster.

These early bloomers will add a splash of color to your garden when it's most needed. They'll also attract pollinators, which will help to pollinate your other flowers later in the season.


These are just a few of the many flower combos that you can use to create a stunning garden. When choosing flower combos, it's important to consider the colors, textures, and heights of the flowers. You should also think about the time of year that the flowers will bloom. By following these tips, you can create a flower garden that will be the envy of all your neighbors.

When it comes to gardening, one of the most important things to consider is companion planting. Companion planting is the practice of planting certain plants together in order to benefit each other. For example, some flowers attract beneficial insects, while others deter pests. Some flowers have similar water and sunlight requirements, while others can tolerate different conditions. By planting flowers that grow well together, you can create a healthy and beautiful garden that requires less maintenance.

If you're looking for more information about flowers that grow well together, I recommend visiting Gardenia Inspiration. This website has a comprehensive list of companion plants, as well as tips on how to create a successful garden. You can also find information about the different types of flowers, their growing conditions, and their benefits.

FAQ of flowers that grow well together

  • What are some flowers that grow well together?

    There are many flowers that grow well together, but some of the most popular combinations include:

    • Marigolds and tomatoes: Marigolds help to repel pests from tomatoes, while tomatoes provide support for the marigolds.
    • Lavender and carrots: Lavender helps to deter carrot flies, while carrots help to improve the drainage of the soil for lavender.
    • Petunias and geraniums: Petunias and geraniums have similar growing conditions and bloom at the same time, making them a great combination for containers or borders.
    • Sunflowers and zinnias: Sunflowers and zinnias are both tall, sunny flowers that will add height and color to your garden.
    • Daffodils and tulips: Daffodils and tulips are both spring bulbs that will bloom in succession, giving you a long-lasting display of color.
  • How do I know which flowers will grow well together?

    There are a few factors to consider when choosing flowers to plant together, such as their growing conditions, bloom time, and height. For example, you wouldn't want to plant two flowers that require different amounts of sunlight or water, as this could lead to one of the plants dying. You should also consider the bloom time of the flowers you choose, so that you'll have a continuous display of color throughout the season. Finally, think about the height of the flowers when choosing companion plants. You don't want to plant one tall flower next to a short flower, as this will create an unbalanced look.

  • What are some benefits of companion planting?

    There are many benefits to companion planting, including:

    • Attracting beneficial insects: Some flowers attract beneficial insects, such as ladybugs and lacewings, which can help to control pests in your garden.
    • Improving soil quality: Some flowers, such as legumes, can help to improve the nitrogen content of the soil.
    • Distracting pests: Some flowers, such as marigolds, can help to distract pests from other plants in your garden.
    • Providing support: Some flowers, such as sunflowers, can provide support for other plants that need it.
    • Creating a more visually appealing garden: Companion planting can help to create a more visually appealing garden by adding variety in terms of color, height, and texture.
  • What are some flowers that I should avoid planting together?

    There are a few flowers that you should avoid planting together, such as:

    • Tomatoes and potatoes: Tomatoes and potatoes are both susceptible to the same pests and diseases, so planting them together can increase the risk of infection.
    • Cabbage and broccoli: Cabbage and broccoli are both members of the brassica family, and they can cross-pollinate, which can lead to a loss of vigor and flavor in the plants.
    • Peas and beans: Peas and beans are both legumes, and they can compete for nutrients in the soil.
    • Onions and garlic: Onions and garlic have strong scents that can repel each other, so planting them together can reduce their yield.
    • Roses and strawberries: Roses and strawberries are both susceptible to powdery mildew, so planting them together can increase the risk of infection.

Image of flowers that grow well together

  1. Sunflowers and zinnias. These two flowers have similar needs in terms of sunlight and water, and they bloom at the same time of year. Sunflowers are tall and zinnias are short, so they create a nice visual contrast. Image of Sunflowers and zinnias
  2. Lavender and rosemary. These two herbs are both drought-tolerant and deer-resistant, so they're a good choice for low-maintenance gardens. They also have a lovely fragrance that will fill your yard with a pleasant scent. Image of Lavender and rosemary
  3. Pansies and violas. These two flowers are cold-hardy and bloom early in the spring, so they're a good choice for northern gardens. They come in a variety of colors, so you can mix and match to create a colorful display. Image of Pansies and violas
  4. Marigolds and petunias. These two flowers are both easy to grow and attract pollinators, so they're a good choice for butterfly gardens. They come in a variety of colors, so you can create a colorful and vibrant display. Image of Marigolds and petunias
  5. Tulips and daffodils. These two bulbs bloom in the spring and come in a variety of colors. They're a classic combination that's sure to add a pop of color to your garden. Image of Tulips and daffodils

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